There is settlement Dixon in Taymyr. It is the most distant settlement in the north of Russia. The climate here is quite harsh, in summer temperature hardly reaches 5 degrees. Port is also situated here which is the most northern. The settlement lies on the shore of Eniseiskii bay, on the west of Taymir peninsula and the arcrtic port is situated near the very entrance to the bay. Delivery to Dixon of different cargoes by sea is often more profitable than overland transportation. We tperform transportation of any goods including containers.
Since 2010 airport in Dixon is not serviced, that’s why cargo transportation by sea to Dixon became of a greater importance. There is an old polar station in the settlement, a fishing factory, the base of the sea fleet. This point is an important logistic point situated in the strategic Arctic area.
The sea port allows to maintain life-sustaining activity of the settlement and all the objects situated in it. Logistics of transportation to Dixon implies creation by the general carrier of the transport scheme which takes into account peculiarities of the region.
Arctic shipping undertakes all the responsibility for delivery of cargoes from any point of Russia to the port of Dixon and visa versa. Using the present day equipment, we cope with the tasks of cargo transportation of any difficulty including general military cargo and equipment. Transportation from Dixon is complicated because the settlement is situated on the continent and partially on the island , there is a strait between them and in winter transportation is limited by sea. In summer road is also open.
Transportation to Dixon of different types of cargo is one of directions of activity of our company . The northern climate creates particular inconveniences upon delivery, that’s why it is better to choose the carrier which has all technological possibilities for work in the Far North and enough experience. Arctic shipping meets all these criteria. During summer navigation the vessels go into port without ice breakers assistance, this time is from June till October. The sea port of the settlement is capable to pass 50 thousand tons of single-piece cargoes and up to 150 thousand tons bulk cargo.
Delivery from Dixon can be performed from the first and the second quay if we speak about general cargoes. Admissible draught is up to 14 m. Oil is received and sent at quay No. 7. There are also two passenger quays equipped and extra Southern and Western which are not used now. Transportation to Dixon is more often performed from Dudinka, sea port. More seldom cargoes are sent by river vessels from the port Valek near Norilsk. Passenger transportation are performed on a constant basis in summer.
For shipment and storage of goods there are closed and open warehouses in the port, there is also special equipment — portal floating cranes, crawler cranes and wheel cranes,